When I started this page my original goal was to post an article a week and for a while I had some success with that. Obviously life has gotten the better of me and well post came to a grinding halt.
I finally come back to the page and after tossing out 1,500 spam messages and about 15 bot created Users I’m happy to report to the three actual users I plan to return to regular postings at least once a month, with a grand goal of two times a month! So thanks for registering and hopefully it will be worth it.
Some of the upcoming articles include:
- Retro-console Reviews & Guides
- Time Management for Grown up Gamers
- How to introduce gaming to your kids
- Ways to game together as a family
I hope to hear some suggestions or maybe even have some other grown-up gamers write a few articles of their own! You will receive full credit and links to your own site if you wish, the goal is to build a community that shares the passion but also the responsibility of being an adult gamer.